Towards a European Mentoring culture to ensure Trust, Replicability and a blossoming Societal development.

ADINVEST Spirit since 2010!

Bringing Business managers and Investors together in a multi-actors and problem-solving approach as a driving force.

After an informal and local start, a network/community approach at European level under a formal International non-profit association (aisbl) has proved to be the key to support SMEs owners and Business managers in a qualitative, sustainable and high performance journey ...

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Our works

Latest Projects

SME & Business Mentoring LEAD project

  LEAD – LEarning And Development in micro- and small enterprises.In summing up, the project partners would like to create a research-based training curriculum to support small and micro business entrepreneurs in creating advanced Human Resource Management (HRM) practices...

SME & Business Mentoring INTEREST project

INTEgrated REporting for SMEs Trasparency. Economic development in the eastern European countries arrived to a point, what happened earlier in the old EU states, where SMEs need to work together with large, multinational companies, need investments from different finance...

SME & Business Mentoring MentorCert - Certification process for SME Mentors

MentorCert exploits results of the Erasmus+ TRUST-Me project (led y HU) and of the Erasmus+ Certi4Train project. - TRUST-Me developed skillcards and blended learning materials for potential SME business mentors.- Certi4Train produced an ISO 17024 compliant certification scheme...

People & Personal dev EYEE-Ethics & Young Entrepreneur in EU

Ethics & Young Entrepreneur in EU. Nowadays, the entrepreneurial landscape in Europe is constantly changing. To build a successful business today, ethics is essential. EU statistics reveals that 4.5 million young people are unemployed. Europe 2020 strategy identifies...

SME & Business Mentoring INSIST project - INSIST - INtergenerational Succession in SMEs' Transition

INSIST project is on the INtergenerational Succession in SMEs' Transition . It is co-financed by the ERASMUS + European programme as a Startegic Partnership project.

SME & Business Mentoring FAME project - FAMily BusinEss Sustainability and Growth

FAMily BusinEss Sustainability and Growth. A former project helping SME Family Business (FB) owners and/or managers to cope with the complex challenges of the imposing generational transition, the INSIST project, produced country reports on the partner countries’ SME FB...


Support to SME's, Incubators & Mentors +Label and certification frameworks in EU since 2005

Societal development via Personal and Team developments

Open innovation and Integrated development.
From how we reveal to the way we build on and with it.
Several EU projects and their enriching encounters since 2005 have been enabling us sharing back that experience...

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Stronger together

Why Mingling & Sharing ?

ADINVEST Europe is an 'AISBL', an international not-for-profit association (reg. 0627.670.865 in Brussels, Belgium). It aims at facilitating links, cooperations and exchanges between socio-economic and civil society stakeholders to support the development of the SME's/Enterprises and of the Society.

The types of activities are not limited and we are open in terms new approaches and cooperations. Actions can be to encourage funding of these stakeholders and to accompany those at field level beyond the funding itself. Training and Education activities represent a corner stone for ADINVEST Europe and its partners who also want to develop a forum or observatory place related to the business mentoring and the fair and sustainable development of the Society.

ADINVEST Europe is also encouraging the development of networks and cooperations beyond the education/training/certification dimensions and welcomes initiatives in terms of business networking based on open and innovative approaches profitable to the Society at large.

11 rue Charles Meert, 1030 Bruxelles, Belgium